Friday, May 28, 2010

School Is Out

You can hear the merry whistle
And the laughter loud and clear;
There's happiness unequaled
At this special time of year.
There's a girl's delighted giggle
And a boy's impatient shout,
And you know without a question
It is summer --School is out!

You can feel the warmth of summer
And the sun against your cheek,
Smell the fragrance of roses,
Hear the babbling of the creek.
Kids are barefoot in the country,
Hiking over hill and glen.
Life is carefree, days are happy,
Telling school is out again!

There is lots of time for dreaming,
Picnics in the shaded wood,
Camping out along the river
Where the fishing's really good.
What a thrill to go in swimming!
These are joys without a doubt.
 All the kids are in their glory,
'Cause it's summer. School is out!

by Garnett Ann Schultz

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