Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Two Trees

We have two Christmas trees this year.
One stands shining and tall
In the living room for all to see.
The other is down the hall
In a room where the children like to play;
And this one they claimed as their own.
Just what trimmings this tree should wear
Was for them to decide, alone.

Small willing hands worked long and hard
To string ropes of popcorn just right,
With, here and there, some cranberries red
Mixed in with the snowy white.
Little red stockings for Santa to fill
Were placed on some branches, low.
Peppermint canes by their handles were hung,
And nuts wrapped in bright foil aglow.

Cutouts from colored paper too,
Some old but well-loved toys;
Yes, odd decorations but close to the hearts
Of thse dear little girls and boys.
Our big tree is trimmed with myriad lights
And a glistening star high above;
But the children's tree is prettier far,
For they trimmed it with special love.

Beulah Sutton Waite

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